Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 6, 2016

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When you click on the Add Media button, do not drag image files or select files for uploading images, which go through the Media Library tab just above.Commercify Review There, you can view the images you have uploaded, the option to display images by date or search for images by keyword to check whether the image has on the host or not. If yes then you can click the Show button and choose Insert Into next post.

Customizable Home Page

WordPress is an open source very flexible in customizing the blog to become a website content management (CMS) very good if we take advantage of its functionality. One of the first things when customizing WordPress is to change the default home page of WordPress, WordPress's default display the latest posts, and we want to turn the page homepage product descriptions, company or what sort of a page that's not the latest articles.

Instead of using the plugin support is more complex or custom ... .code, we could easily do this by the Custom home page is available in the Settings -> Reading to set the page display default market outside the home.

See more about Custom Static Front Page in WordPress Codex.

Do not forget WordPress Codex

WordPress is a powerful source code and easy to use that just install that one can use a very good way to manage the content on your blog. However, underlying what it truly is the power to bring blogging platform WordPress to become the best and most popular in the world today.

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To activate this function, you click the Options button at the top of the page Screen writing, then looked down to see the options for the article Slug.

Enable Post Slug

Schedule automatic publishing articles (Scheduled Posting)

What do you do when there is a lot of story ideas, but next time you have to travel far, or can not post messages in a short time? If your blog for a while is not updated content then surely you will lose a certain audience. In principle, you can prepare in advance and articles or to schedule automatic posting it in WordPress, but most of the new users still do not know or forgot about this feature and instead they must self published articles manually.

To use this feature, you click on the Edit button at the Publish section of the frame to put the time editor appears on blog posts then click the Schedule button.

Post Scheduler

Media Library

WordPressNeu image management in a blog you are big and use multiple images for posts by uploading images directly to host WordPressCommercify Review , and you can already upload some pictures the same for many different articles . Why? Because we tend to have a habit that for every click Add Media is choose a photo from your computer and upload the picture forget to check it on the host or not, and we can use them again.

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